
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

North Coast Official Video Recaps & Lost N Found

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The Third Annual
"Summer's Last Stand"
*** Thank You ***
*** Lost and Found ***
North Coast Music Festival would like to thank everyone who helped make this event unforgettable, and most importantly, the fans.  Without you, there is no show.  We love you all and can't wait to see you in 2013!

Day 1 Recap:

north coast music festival 2012 - day 1

Day 2 Recap:

north coast music festival 2012 - day 2

Day 3 Recap:

north coast music festival 2012 - day 3 recap

Lost and Found

Did you lose your stuff at North Coast Music Festival this past weekend? Well, theLost and Found may have it. Please email with a detailed description of your lost item to see if it was turned in.


Did you leave anything in the Locker you rented at North Coast Music Festival? Well, Entertainment Lockers may have it, but act with the quickness, as they only wait for a few days before donating the remains to Goodwill. Contact with a detailed description of your lost item, as well as the Locker number it should have been in.

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