Congrats to Kathy who won ChiIL Mama's family 4 pack of tickets to Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents Dragons. We've sent our winner an e-mail confirmation, in case there were multiple Kathy entrants and there's any doubt.
Click here for our past coverage including full details on the show.
Of course, all our readers are winners. If you didn't win ChiIL Mama's ticket give away this week, we still have a great nationwide Halloween give away and loads more Chicago area tickets. We also have a Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Presents Dragons Discount Code for everyone.
Check back with ChiIL Mama like we vote in Chi, IL...early and often. We'll have more news about The Chicagoland Halloween Ringling Treat soon.
· 5 Chicagoland houses will be distributing 100 Free Kids tickets as Halloween treats again!
Speaking of's the other big news. Chi-Town gets to be the final city in the Boss Clown National Election. And WE get to announce the winners. Vote on line and watch live on Wednesday.

Parents and Kids across the nation looking to engage with the presidential election process in a fun, kid friendly manner.
It’s all online -
Log online now to meet the Candidates and see previous debates
Log online Wednesday, October 24th at 10:30 a.m. to see the final debate and election LIVE FROM CHICAGO
Who’s The Boss…Boss Clown that is??? For the first time in Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus history, that question will be answered by elementary students across the nation. In an effort to educate students on the electoral process and specifically presidential debates, Ringling Bros. is holding the largest Boss Clown election ever with debates at host elementary schools in Denver, Boston, Pittsburgh and Chicago.
Boss Clowns are lead clowns on The Greatest Show On Earth and the center of the circus! Each Boss Clown debate precedes or follows the actual presidential debates. While the debates focus solely on everything clown and circus, they are structured like an authentic presidential debate, providing our students a real debate experience with a comedic twist that only Ringling Bros. can provide!
Denver, Boston and Pittsburgh debates have already taken place and votes are being tallied from each city and around the country! The final debate and victory announcement for the Ringling Bros. 2012 National Boss Clown Election takes place on Wednesday, October 24th at 10:30 a.m. at Chicago’s Walt Disney Magnet School! Chicago students have the privilege of not only being the final voters but also of being the only students nationwide to vote electronically as well as at actual polling booths – providing them an authentic electoral experience!
All debates can be watched LIVE at as well as any time after the debates!
Watch and be a part of The Greatest Show On Earth!
After all that fun and clowning, your family may want to experience Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey in person. Great news is you can experience the greatest show on earth in full effect all November! Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey presents Dragons will be in the Chicagoland area the whole month. You can SAVE 40% on all weekday shows and Save 20% on all weekend shows using the promo code MOM.
(*Weekday is defined as any show Monday through Thursday or Friday matinee, not including holidays such as the day after Thanksgiving. Discount does not apply to Circus Celebrity, Front Row, or VIP seats. No double discounts. Service charges, handling, and facility fees may apply.)