You've heard of "The Hottest Band in the Land... KISS"
and "The Only Band That Matters... The Clash."
Now meet "The Best Metal Band With Cow Bell... CLUTCH!!"D.C. Sound Attack indeed!! What a welcome for 2016.
Click the image below for our
full Clutch NYE slide show.
full Clutch NYE slide show.
More photo favs are embedded at the bottom of this feature as well. Photo credit: Bonnie Kenaz-Mara
One thing we dig about Clutch is the band members take turns writing the set lists. I don't know who planned the NYE show, but it was a stellar mix of old school and new tunes and the pre-show music was a big ol' Lemmy fest.

We've been fans of Clutch's unique rock stylings since they began in the early 90's and we're happy to see them finally getting the critical acclaim and wider audience they deserve. Clutch fans are some of the friendliest, most unpretentious people out there and it's always a great vibe at shows.

One thing we love about Bogart's is their all ages shows truly are. We're not talking just 18+ under agers. Kids were welcome at the Clutch NYE show and some of the next gen rail riders even left with drum sticks and guitar picks!

*Pure Rock Fury was played instead of Son of Virginia.
We've been fans of Clutch's unique rock stylings since they began in the early 90's and we're happy to see them finally getting the critical acclaim and wider audience they deserve. Clutch fans are some of the friendliest, most unpretentious people out there and it's always a great vibe at shows.
One thing we love about Bogart's is their all ages shows truly are. We're not talking just 18+ under agers. Kids were welcome at the Clutch NYE show and some of the next gen rail riders even left with drum sticks and guitar picks!
NYE can be a time of reflection and of celebrating the old and new. Speaking of old, I was there with my husband of 15 years, a guy I've been catching Clutch with since the early 90's. And we made a whole slew of new friends at the show and met others in person that we've known on line from the Clutch facebook group!
One of our new friends confessed to discovering the first Clutch album when she worked at a college radio station. It wasn't getting much air play, and she loved it so much she stole it. She admitted to feeling a twinge guilty in later years, but she's made amends by spreading the Clutch love since then. In fact, she was there with her boyfriend who was a live Clutch virgin till the Cleveland show the night before. By NYE he was an enthusiastic full convert!
Our Clutch initiation was less dramatic. We were turned on to their first album by mutual friends, and have caught them every chance we get for the past 20+ years.

I've been shooting and reviewing their shows for about the past 5 years and it was truly a treat to catch Neil for a video interview right before Earth Rocker came out a few years back.
I've been shooting and reviewing their shows for about the past 5 years and it was truly a treat to catch Neil for a video interview right before Earth Rocker came out a few years back.
Happy new year all. Hope 2016 is filled with music, creativity, laughter, friends, family and fun. We'll see you out there.

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Favorite Show Shots Clutch NYE: