Here are some of ChiIL Live Shows/ChiIL Mama's highlights from 2012
It's nearly Summer Camp (SCamp) time again and ChiIL Live Shows will be back covering the start of the big, summer music fest scene again.
Every Memorial Day weekend, starting on the Thursday before for early bird ticket holders, the fields and forest of Three Sisters Park in Chillicothe are transformed, as colorful tents and even more colorful people descend on the park to rock out to great bands, eat tasty, multicultural food, shop, learn and play together.
We've been raving about Summer Camp Music Festival in Three Sisters Park in south western Illinois for years now, and covering all their 2012 artist announcements and ticket tiers on our Facebook and Twitter Feeds.
But Summer Camp isn't something you can just read about. It's something you have to experience!
Late Night With Cornmeal:
Sure the lineup is impressive, but sometimes the real show is out in the audience! Whether muddy or dry, rainy or warm, SCamp is a rockin' fun time.

Summercamp is multigenerational
Kids Camp
A positive place for all the Summer Camp kids to get together!
Join the fun with all sorts of games and activities like jewelry making, face painting, water fun, arts and crafts, hair wraps, and as much creative fun as we could pack into a single weekend!
Kids area is for parents to enjoy with their children and all activities are free. It's open early every day and closes before the main acts in the later afternoon and evening. In past years, my own kids, Sagezilla and Du-Jay have loved catapulting water balloons at "the hippies" walking by on the paths with giant sling shot, water balloon launchers. It's a playful, fun way to drench the great unwashed masses.
Sagezilla got her first hair wrap ever at Summer Camp and both kids adored learning knot work and making their own hemp bracelets with super cool beads.
The staff at the kids' area is sweet, friendly, fun and knowledgeable and they are eager to help families make the most of their Summer Camp weekend.
Past kids' activities have included 56 Hope Road w/ music from Mr. Dave & an amazing drum workshop with Greg. There have also been demos and lessons by awesome juggler, Dean Franzen, Ruthee the balloon artist from the unique twist, and water wars from fun-on-the-run! It's the perfect space to make some music, paint your face, juggle some water balloons and have a blast!
And the kids usually have a sweet, decorated golf cart parade through the grounds on the last day, all painted up and playing music!
Kids under 6 are FREE with a paying adult and kids 6-12 are half price at the gate.
Click here for our photo filled feature on the best of SCamp 09
Summercamp is World Class Music
Avett Brothers
Umphrey's McGee & Moe

Avett Brothers
Kellar Williams
Les Claypool
We shot thousands of photos over 3 days of Summer Camp in 2009 & 2011 and we'll be back to shoot 4 days in 2012! Check back with ChiIL Live Shows/ChiIL Mama like we vote in Chi, IL...early and often throughout May for huge photo filled SCamp features including past recaps and original live show shots of this years' line up that we shot elsewhere.

Check out Summer Camp's main site here to order your tickets, plan your schedule and more!
Lineup Highlights Include:


Also featuring a special Make a Difference performance by Everyone Orchestra
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