THURSDAY Photo Recap: Tall Walker + Mighty Fox + North By North Live at Subterranean. This show kicks off the Chicago International Movies and Music Festival (CIMMFest)
Check out our full set of LIVE Show Shots from 5/1/14 in the Slide Show Here:
(Favorites are embedded below. **(Click here for ChiIL Live Shows' SmugMug site, to see them broken down by band. Check out thousands of our original photos from these & lots more sweet shows & music fests.)**
Tall Walker:
Listen on iTunes: Like what you hear? Show 'em some vote love.
Tall Walker is a top 10 finalist for the Chicago RedEye's Rock N' Vote competition! Please VOTE and SHARE with all your friends so they can play Lincoln Hall AND Taste of Chicago! Thanks for everyones support!
200 bands entered, 10 made the cut. Meet the finalists for our 11th annual Rock 'n' Vote contest and vote for your picks!
The top 4 will headline a show at Lincoln Hall on May 22. Tickets, here:
Mighty Fox:
These guys were a sweet surprise, with great energy, enthusiasm, moves, and the musical talent to back it all up. The comparisons to early U2 are apt. Check out these local boys. They're particularly fun live, with beautiful ballads and a pogoing punk edge.

Mighty Fox isn’t just a musical project but rather a journey. As an up-and-coming group based in Chicago that has already gotten industry professionals stirring, it’s clear that this project is more than just a “band” but rather a way of life for the musicians involved. Each song has the listener noticing the many different artists that influence Mighty Fox and how they’ve effected the lives of the members. With bands like Coldplay, Imagine Dragons, U2, Mumford & Sons, and Go Radio being considered substantial influences, Mighty Fox has a very well rounded sound that anyone and everyone can relate to and enjoy. Don’t let the names fool you though. Mighty Fox has definitely found a sound of their own which translates incredibly to their live show.
North By North:
This is the trio we came to see. We dug the advanced press copy of their new release and what we've heard on line. So, we've been trying to catch these Chicago locals live for months. They just came off a mini tour, playing Nashville, and are heading for NYC. Word is, there's a decent label scoping them out! Catch 'em while you can, so you can say you saw them first. Ones to watch.
Hey New York peeps: They're heading your way this week and will be headlining The Rock Shop on Wednesday, May 7th. Also performing will be Old table,Huge Pupils, and The Judy Blooms.
The Fox & The Hounds:
It was a fox filled evening, with 2 foxcentric bands on the bill, though we preferred the mighty. Congrats to The Fox & The Hounds, Battle of the Bands winners. We first caught them last Friday at Moe's for the championship round. They finished in a dead heat with our friends, When Flying Feels Like Falling (who are more to our taste), so ultimately it came down to who brought the biggest audience to the finals.
The lead singer has a decent voice, but the rest of the band is fairly unremarkable, and they seem to be relying more on skimpy costumes than song writing of any substance. Still, they're young, so it's soon to say. They may evolve into something buzzworthy. We did dig the bare feet!
The lead singer has a decent voice, but the rest of the band is fairly unremarkable, and they seem to be relying more on skimpy costumes than song writing of any substance. Still, they're young, so it's soon to say. They may evolve into something buzzworthy. We did dig the bare feet!
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