
Friday, June 14, 2013

TBS Just for Laughs is Upon Us Through June 16th #JFLChicago #TBS #comedy @TBSVeryFunny

There's still plenty of funny ha ha and funny weird goin' down in Chi-town tonight through Sunday.   Check out our prior coverage including the 2013 schedule here.

If little things like The Stanley Cup Finals, apocalyptic weather forecasts of tornadoes, baseball sized hail and torrential downpours or something else has been keeping you away from Just For Laughs Chicago, don't despair.

There are 24+ acts tonight between 7pm & midnight both tonight & tomorrow night and one last 8pm show Sunday at Jokes and Notes!   If you STILL can't make it out, check out their site.   They're rockin' the social media/internet with a special HUB for people like you.   Check it out, you can watch at home!

For more info, check out the fest's main site right here.

You can have your hockey & laugh it up, too.   We back you Blackhawks.   Let's see some old school take downs Mexican Wrestler style!!   Knock the B outta those Bruins & they'll be left with ruins :)....

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