
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Stages Sights & Sounds 2013 Kick Off Party Photo Filled Feature #originalphotos

Paige in Full and Kick Off Party for The Chicago Humanities Fest's Stages, Sights & Sounds 2013 at the MCA.   

It was a true pleasure to mix and mingle... 

We were even given a thought provoking "homework" assignment to go on our name tags.   It proved to be a good ice breaker and conversation starter.   We were asked to provide the first theatre-music-art-or event that "sparked" or inspired your love of the arts.   (even if the love of my life did write Evel Knievel)...

We met the masterminds behind the fest... 

And we got to catch a sneak peek at the excellent Paige in Full show... 

We were even sent home with sweet goody bags full of tasty treats from another of our Chi-town favs, Vosge's Chocolate

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