
Monday, October 8, 2012

Midnight Circus Rocks the Parks Photo Filled Feature #photos

Midnight Circus is a Chi-town favorite and we've been fans for decades.   They performed in Daley Plaza as a centerpiece of Chicagoween for years.   Check out some of our past, photo filled coverage here.    Back in the day, Midnight Circus founders Julie and Jeff worked on a movie, with Dug (my location sound engineer husband), and we've enjoyed checking out their work ever since.

Now the next generation is taking to the stage, too.   Jeff and Julie have a son who is now rockin' the hat tricks, clowning and partner acro.   We hope to interview them soon for our ongoing video series on How Creatives Parent and How Parents Create.

My daughter was in awe of the girl on Spanish Web who seemed to be all about being mighty, just like Sagezilla.   Sage started learning Spanish web herself last year, and lyra, too, like the tiny but mighty kid on the hoop.

The juggling/acro duo was quite fun.

And the adults were digging this one even more than the kids!

Circus GangNam Style!

Midnight Circus did a colorful, creative mix of classic circus arts and the latest YouTube sensation.

Come check 'em out and don't put off getting tickets.   All of these shows have been selling out.   Proceeds benefit the Chicago Park District!    How cool is that?!   You can be well entertained and help out an amazing, underfunded, Chicago resource at the same time.   

Click here for more details and to order your tickets.

Shows run every Saturday and Sunday through Oct. 21st and rotate to different parks.   Click here for the schedule.

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